Preserve Brentwood 2019 Candidate Survey
Yes or No Answers
Candidate Susannah Macmillan
1. Is faster population growth in Brentwood a high priority for you as a potential Commissioner, even if it means significant added expenses to maintain and upgrade our infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, etc.)? NO
2. Are you in favor of and would you vote for increasing the allowable building heights in any of the commercial areas of the City? NO
3. Would you support expanding the area currently zoned C-4? NO
4. Should residential dwellings of any kind (apartments, condos, town homes, etc.) be allowed in any commercial zoning (C-1, C-2, C-3 or C-4)? NO
5. Would you support or vote for rezoning any residential property to commercial zoning? NO
6. Would you support or vote for the rezoning of any agriculturally zoned property to commercially zoned property? NO
7. Would you support or vote for changing any residential property to Service Institution (SI) zoning in order to allow for residential dwellings of any kind (apartments, condos, town homes, etc.) with density greater than one home per acre? NO
8. Will you pledge to residents you will voluntarily recuse yourself from any vote where you have a conflict of interest? This would include any vote on rezoning (or change to an existing zoning classification) where you, your family or your business have a financial interest in some or all of the property affected. YES
9. The Turner Property, located at the corner of Franklin Road and Concord Road, is currently zoned as agricultural land. If this property became available for development, should Commissioners vote to rezone this property in order to allow mixed use residential/commercial components? NO
10. Should the City of Brentwood allow additional apartments to be built in areas that are currently zoned C-4 Zoning? YES / NO
11. Should the City of Brentwood allow more apartments to be built in the areas zoned residential? NO
12. The property at the northwest corner of Concord Road and Wilson Pike, generally known as the “Donkey Farm”, is currently zoned Residential (R2). Are you in favor of, and would you vote for a rezoning of this property to Commercial zoning? NO
13. The property at the northwest corner of Concord Road and Wilson Pike, generally known as the “Donkey Farm”, is currently zoned Residential (R2). Are you in favor of, and would you vote for a rezoning of this property to Service Institution zoning? NO
14. Other than in an official capacity as a sitting Commissioner, have you ever spoken at any public meeting or Commission Meeting in favor of either the Streets of Brentwood or Tapestry Projects? NO
15. If elected, or reelected, would you support and vote for age-restricted housing at density greater than one home per acre? NO
16. Would you support or vote for a requirement that all future OSRD and OSRD-IP Developments must have no more homes built on the property than may currently be allowed under R-2 Zoning, which is Brentwood’s traditional one home per acre zoning standard? YES
17. Do you support spending by the City of Brentwood to fund mass transit? NO
18. Should Brentwood allow short term rentals such as Airbnb or other competitors? NO
19. Do you feel the Brentwood Police Department is adequately funded and staffed in order to handle our rising crime rate? NO
20. Do you feel Brentwood has an adequate number of hotels? YES
Candidate Name: Susannah Macmillan