What’s one thought you’d like to leave voters with before they head to the polls?
Maintaining the one-acre density is imperative because of the trickle-down effect on traffic, overcrowding of our schools and our infrastructure, including the sewer system. If we go above the one-acre density on the 7,000 acres not yet developed, we’re going to max out the sewer capacity. So, that one-acre density is key to maintaining our unique Brentwood community.
When you head to the polls, I really want you to know how passionate I am about representing the citizens of Brentwood.
I have personally knocked on over 550 doors, attended more than 55 local governmental meetings, am a member of the Brentwood Citizens Police Academy, and have had countless communications with elected leaders in the City and County.
Long before I declared I was running in January, I regularly attended city meetings and have not missed a City Commission Meeting or City Informational Meeting since turning in my petition on January 8th. Why is this important?
Within weeks of being elected, the city commissioners will vote on next years’ budget. I have attended the entire multi hour budget work sessions, Capital Improvement Project work session, along with meeting individually with our City Manager; I am fully informed regarding the budget and prepared to vote on it.
A large aspect of a City Commissioner’s role is to make budget decisions regarding city employee positions and benefits. Because of my professional background in Human Resources, Bachelor’s degree (Rhodes College) and Master’s degree (MTSU) in Industrial Organizational Psychology, I am uniquely qualified to make budget decisions regarding city employee positions and benefits.
Knocking on all those doors I have learned many residents are unclear of the different responsibilities of each of our elected officials.
As a city commissioner, I would like to hold a “City Forum” with Brentwood City Commissioners, along with our Brentwood Representatives on the school board and County Commission, in a public forum for residents of Brentwood to meet with all of our elected officials in one place.
I look forward to seeing you at the polls!
Susannah Macmillan